Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Ruminations of a Governess

These children are terribly ill-behaved... Now let's see, where did I stick that hat-pin?... Oh heavens, my lumbago... This weather is so dreary, but we must take our walk... Yes, Clarissa, you must eat your prunes... Because I said so, that's why... Dear me, but the kitchen maids must learn to speak to me with a bit more respect for my position... Oh, my ankles, I barely recognized them... tra-la... Could do with a spot of fennel for my indigestion, must ask Cook... time for lessons... No, Jonathan, mustn't scratch yourself in public... Ah, me... Today is Wednesday... I have no identity... I came from nowhere... I exist for other people, not for myself... I have no children of my own... And when I die, nothing will be left of me... except for this hat... now where is that blasted hat-pin?


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